they want us to regret being muslims , they want us to forget there is real god , just look at what they did to palestine . what did palestine ever do to anyone. just got blamed for your idot friend . probably still crying , but if you want to be the man then provide , they next door to me steal all my ideas then want me to pretend it was their work , its a really crafty bunch of people .
why you billionares need to live here .
its always a problem for the women when a man gets a woman pregnant , with an unwanted pregnancy . its only a problem for him when she doesnt want to get rid of it & he was already married. so these europens started calling the first wife names when she wouldn't the cleaner with the illigetimate child take everything the wife had worked for .
I am getting ready for business meeting, I am putting my look together with jewellery , meetups for birthdays , or converances .
I couldn't believe it black girls saying he isnt nice , but you been milking him for years , didn't you care then .

If you are thinking of getting involved that city star rubbish , then you can be no brother of mine .

If we lived our lives based on your ignourance we would never had done anything .
If you are looking for the shirt for the business meeting , then don't go for the £9, off the sholder shirt , I went for this zara , for £40.00.
I know there is a lot of jelousy out there , but it shouldn't stop me from my helpful blog site .
It may not be ,what you already understand , but to trust someone with more experience .
Its ftom dedicated collection from zara , ozes quality , well made , well designed , comfortable , lovely fabric for the hot weather & I won't be wearing it with these blue pants . from house of CB
Its not only what your eyes can see , dont be fooled .
What have you got to be jelous about , you had opportunities others didn't , I was there for your first opportunity , its not about dancing with a bunch of slappers , thats no respect for anyone . Come & see how much I helped these poor areas , & come & see what they did with the poor people , they moved them all out & people are even more greedy then they ever before .
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