Staying motivated has been easy and productivity just flowsceffortlessly. I dont blog or write articles full time, its just something I chose to do for pleasure and to help the locals, which its evident to see in how they have benefit by just looking around at the local community.
I have chosen not to spend all my time with my on-line work as life is made of many responsibilities and we must use our time wisely.
Write the to-do list or use the app which will be up on the website soon.
Use your workspace as is most comfortable to you as your organised mess may seem clutter to someone elsa and its what works best for you that matters.
Removing yourself from social media will seem like the best thing you ever did, as social media can seem most inappropriate for many, discussed further soon.
Multitasking is a skill which develops over many years, enabling you to hear whats going on outside, watching the tv and readibg the paper at the same, whikst cooking and listening out for what the kids are doing.
When work in pleasure and is so fun who has time to sleep. You may have developed the technique from the days you were breast feeding, when your time was demanded without warning and with the combination of having skill sets which allow you to combine what you love doing with work with the added assets of the invaluable experience of life, life is a picnic.