It was so hot inside so after opening the window and getting rather fedup of the noise from the traffic outside, having decided to go to costa and enjoy the air conditioning, it had turned to 7.50 pm by the time I sat with my latte and it was already time to leave.
With 1 in 3 predicted to be diagnosed and develop breast cancer, it was not surprising when I came across a girl whom had attempted to lose the weight she was putting on as a result of the cancer treatment which consisted of steroids which was amusing her to gain weight, then found herself in intensive care as a result of her weight loss tactics.
It may feel like the devil is after you, as a result of the actions of others, everyone staring, watching your every move and listening to your every word. Judging your every move with their own low standards and expectations. For future reference where it may be acceptable to buy a house or a flat for a fashion chick, hooker, or stripper, this may not be acceptable for the muslim and the muslim may question and very well should question that finances have come from legitimate means, without hurting or corrupting anyone.
I thought I would catch up with you in LA, by the time I got back to london I wanted to see if he was willing to make an effort ? willing to make a change ? and one has to be careful whom one is seen speaking to, after which trying to understand what was going on having realised and always known materialistic items hold little value. the situation was so much worse than first expected, deteriorated further, whilst accumulating more and more baggage.
Its pretty much a scrap book style and with more time and energy on my hands, join us on our new site which is different.
reluctant to use templates which everyone elsa is using we will see what shape it takes.
Umma , umma , umaa, how will the umma show its face on judgement day knowing that other brother and sisters were suffering in palestine and other parts of the world, How would the umma show its face knowing it had used marketing and ect to achieve financial gain when muslim brothers and sisters were suffering around the world.
It was so soon as day turned to night,and if its not just a no.1 you were after we can talk.
Even if you havent seen the face of death, even if you didnt think you woud die within the next couple of years, live each day as if it were your last, read dua when you sleep incase you dont wake up the next day and doing all those things you had on hold all your life, Never again to sacrifice yourself for another's dreams and life and to do and be the best that you can be.
It was so amazing, it was exactly as the quran had described, the people will say they are believers when they are not, if you were ever in doubt or unsure of as to whether what was written in the quran was true or not then, the facts of the events of which took place in palestine which are mentioned in the quran should have come true , should be enough to deter any dobts you may have had and if you are not fearful of your wrong doing then, if you still think ignorance is bliss, carry on.
If you ever wanted allah to show you a sign in your life time to show you that the quran was the truth, if it was shown to you in the events of what took place in palestine and that you were grateful to have had your imans confirmed and grateful that allah had shown you the truth of the quran, maybe then like me you may be reluctant to do haram and grateful that in your life time you had seen a sign and the you were more knowledgeable that the world was moving towards judgement day and grateful that in your lifetime you had seen a sign.
It was just like it says in the children's books,when islam was first introduced to the people, the khafars said lets steal the muslim's things.