I'm still being stalked from 1 week at summer camp, when I was so young.
you never know who you meet at summer school , 1 week , kids from different schools , you might not even be there for the whole week , now with criminal records these people are still stalking , think twice if you are planning to send your kids to holiday schools , it would be safer to holiday in roughest part of brasil .
omg that is really sick .
I am so sick of hearing people complaining about sisters , women in hijab , don't you people have anything elsa to do with your pathetic lives .
If you were obsessed with someone as a child , its really time to stop obsessing & understand no means no .
It doesnt matter what efforts we put into cleaning up this town , theres always those that will try to spoil it , if like me you returned from out of town , didn't speak slang , even though you didn't recognise many people , it still didn't stop them from causing problems .
Its not surprising , media & other cheap tricks will try to coverup the sad reality of the town & dispite our best efforts , people will still complain about sisters & women in hijab , newsagents try to refuse charging electric to the key , & some sisters will even tell you they have had their water turned off & you may think we are living in the dark ages .
Its easy for others to ignore the truth & what really goes on & the distractions people try to keep us busy with .
I spend years giving people the benefit of doubt , they never change just get worse .
If you think that as a rule you would never date anyone from this town , because that person has mostly had an unbalanced upbringong you wouldn't be far from the truth , from looking at their criminal records & probational office visits .
It amazes me when I return from abroad the extent of the rubbish in the streets , countries abroad are so much cleaner . I don't know where all this rubbish comes from , don't bring the rubbish with you.
Its really amazing you don't hear peep from the actual footbal stadium , but noise from the reacreational center will keep you awake till after 12pm . If thats not bad enough the center next door to that will have music playing till long after 12pm .
If you think other blog sites are being single handedly done by one person , they are not & you are very wrong if you didn't realise its made of hundreds of people.
Its easy for sponsored websites to try & disguise the truth & try to lure people into more spending , focus on criticising sister & any women in hjab as of foul characters , especially if the , sister has money , which is the new phenomenon going around , its ok if you do haram , but if you dont then you must be of bad charater , well thats what the media was there for .
If you think its safe for your daughters to walk around this town , then you are certainly more brave than I , & I'm sure the nikab makes a lot more sense to you now .
Its not all efforts that are without appreciation , I still the manaher for certain restuarants thanking me especially for the blog I have writren , but there eill always be people that fail you apprecite their featured product .
If the local council stopped wasting money obn cheap firework gommicks or cheap funfairs & actually stayed in the town , it might see some real improvements & none of that fake cosmetic changes .
I know you think its funny , but you should have seen the place before , it was swamped with prostitutes & stabbings on the floor , you would very easily walk past some laying on the floor having been stabbed .
Bearded brothers not all but convicts hiding behind beards .
I spent 5 years cleaningup this town , thugs , pimps , & scumbag comments drifting from the recreational center always last to leave , name & shame , not always best process, good effots of muslims always embaressement to others & need to be upstaged by council as thus , but on the whole , its an improvement . Once they see you in this town you will be haressed for the rest of your life .
pimps business affected most , but can't please everyone .
#thecentre .
spelling mistake , don't obsess over every spelling mistake .
contingency plan critical before getting married, see .
What a town of lieing dogs , have to deal with the problems then & there & don't give these people the benefit of doubt .
We know its going to be a problem when we start blogging , the truth is difficult for companies & pimps both, racism is the simplest of the problems to be have to deal with .